Right to Wear FAW Badge Expanded to Category 3 Match Officials
Right to Wear FAW Badge Expanded to Category 3 Match Officials

The Football Association of Wales is expanding the right to wear the FAW Badge to include Category 3 referees and assistant referees for the forthcoming 2022/2023 season.

Previously, the right to wear the badge was restricted to match officials in category 2 and above.

The change has been introduced through the Referee Regulations which are set by the FAW’s Referees Committee each season.

Regulation 15 will now state that: “Referees in Grade 3 and above and Assistant Referees in Grade 3AR and above must wear the official badge of the Association. Referees in all other classes must wear the official badge of the Area Association and, or any league to which they officiate.”

The update was communicated to all FAW match officials who have registered on Comet for the 2022/2023 season in an email sent on Thursday morning.

The communication also stated that over the coming weeks Category 3 and 3AR match officials registered on Comet will be sent an email by the FAW to inform them of how to purchase an FAW Badge to apply to their kit.

If you would like to become a referee, please visit becomearef.wales and begin the Advanced Referee Award to get started today.

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